Options and Volatility
The Moontower Subscriber Hoot
Discord Voice Channel
Options and Volatility
Discord Voice Channel
Options and Volatility
ways to price VIX and what we can learn from it
Options and Volatility
multiple VRPs
Options and Volatility
a topic that takes a long time to grok
Options and Volatility
Translate your sentiment into “option surface” language
Options and Volatility
Part I of a discussion of VRP
Options and Volatility
the thinking, experience, and pst-mortem of an oil option trade
Options and Volatility
Foreword to Euan Sinclair and Andrew Mack's latest
Options and Volatility
Term Structure part 2
Options and Volatility
Using vertical spread to compute OTM option value in your head
Options and Volatility
Part 1 on term structures
Options and Volatility
A follow up on derivative "income" ETFs
How Markets Work
Options and Volatility
A follow up to JEPI competitors
Options and Volatility
on the popular wave of option etfs
Options and Volatility
honest attribution